Solo Travel Friend Program

Every year, we have Destination Travelers who would love to experience some of our fantastic trips that are planned around the world but miss out on the opportunity because they can’t find a suitable travel friend.

Although we offer single occupancy rooms on all our tours, that price increase can often push an affordable trip out of the solo traveler’s budget. Or solo travel is not your thing (yet), so you decide not to book that once-in-a-lifetime destination trip! We established our “SOLO Travel Friend Program” to help you connect with other solo travelers. You can be sure of the cost of rooming with an awesome person, and a spectacular vacation will save you money. Therefore, we encourage you to join our waiting list or share a trip program. In this program, your decision to travel in a shared room allows you to save money for the low cost of the hotel stay.

We love connecting good people while allowing them to take advantage of the reduced rooming costs by traveling on our SOLO Travel Friend Program. The savings can be substantial, and you might find your new travel buddy for our future trips! We don’t offer travel friend matching for some of our international destination vacations; however, we add more monthly. We list in the description of our destination travel if we offer travel friend matching. You will find this information in the notes section of the tour. Please note no friend matching is available on US Travel; however, you can always join one of our planned Group Cruises or Group Friend and Family Travel to save money on your vacation.


• Select “book now” on the destination travel you wish to join. Your selected destination must not be sold out; companion matching must be offered on that vacation.
• During the booking process, select “double occupancy”
• In the Second Traveler field, you will enter the “SOLO Travel Friend Program Requested.” (This is the second traveler field of the form or booking).
• Complete the remaining fields, select your payment plan, pay your deposit, and complete your reservation.
• We will notify you if we find a match for you and the destination vacation you selected.

When your reservation is complete, you will be directed to a link to fill out information about you and your travel preferences. You must fill this information out completely and honestly so that you are matched accordingly (Gender match of the same sex is our policy). After you have submitted that information and when 75% of your reservation has been paid, you will begin to receive email notifications from with the name, email address, and description of other solo friend travelers on your destination travel and tours that have also expressed an interest in finding travel friend.

Your information will be provided to those same solo travelers. We encourage you to review the information and reach out to anyone with whom you are interested in rooming. It is strongly recommended that you and your potential match have a few conversations via email AND phone to get to know a little about one another before making a final decision. Continue the line of communication as long as/when you find yourself confident that you’ve discovered somebody with whom you’ll enjoy rooming and spending time on your selected destination travel.

Once you and your roommate have agreed to proceed, you must contact within one month of travel and let us know you would like to room together.

This must be done before your final payment is due. We will then make the necessary adjustments to your reservations internally. That’s it…. It’s easy, free, and a great way to find a destination travel partner!

Use the below writing/font and column/box in the area of this part of the page.

Consider This First…

⦁ Are you a smoker?
⦁ Are you okay with rooming with someone who smokes?
⦁ How well do you get along with others in a small space?
⦁ Are you a heavy drinker?
⦁ Does the snoring of others annoy you?
⦁ Do you snoring?
⦁ Do you participate in recreational activities that many may find offensive?
⦁ Do you like to chat on the phone late at night?
⦁ Are you a light sleeper?
⦁ Are you super sensitive to odors and smells?
⦁ Are you a very neat person? Obsessive or compulsive tendencies?

Tips & Etiquette…

⦁ Have a chat with your assigned travel friend at least twice before the trip.
⦁ Don’t touch your travel companion’s belongings.
⦁ Respect the space you all are sharing.
⦁ Clean your own mess.
⦁ Respect quiet time.
⦁ Don’t be overly sensitive.
⦁ Handle problems quickly.

Don’t forget the Poo-Pouri:

Register For the Solo Trip Here

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